01 December 2007
London one year on
In the last year I fell completely in love and had my heart completely broken. To be honest, I thought there were days that I wouldn't be able to ever survive it. But I have. It's probably cheesy, but Kanye West has a song...Stronger. The chorus inspires me.
I was diagnosed with a condition that I can do very little about and given medication that makes me quite ill...that's fun.
I went on a cruise and visited three wonderful locations and got a great tan in the process.
I got promoted and was given the chance to help with the training of my new people. What a great experience. What great people! I'm so lucky to be supervising such a great, motivated group of individuals.
I got into Graduate school. (I think this I may be most proud of this year) My first class is finished and the second one starts on Monday. International Law. I think this one is going to be interesting--there are actually weeks where we have mock trials with each member of the class representing a different actor in the trial. That's going to be fun!
What a difference a year makes, to be sure. I wonder what this one has in store for me? By this time next year, I'll only be one class away from graduating. I have to say, that seems pretty hard to believe, but it's true. And who knows where things will go with that boy who just makes me smile so much...
22 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Anyway, I'm here and having a great time. It's been so long since I've seen Lead Momma et al! But all that Turkey has made me very sleepy.
But before I go, I must share the story of my flight down here. We boarded right on time and started to taxi down the runway, when one of the engines started to sound like an unbalanced washing machine. After a few minutes of that, the pilot came on the intercom and said that because of mechanical difficulties we would be returning to the gate and deplaning. He then said that they weren't sure how long the repairs would take so they would be re-booking us on other flights. We got about 1/2 way back to the gate, and he started talking again, saying that the problem somehow fixed itself and that we would indeed be flying to DC. Now, call me a little paranoid, but I really just wanted to get off that plane and get to one that was in proper working order in the first place. I think I may have said every prayer that I knew as the plane was taking off! And then because of that 40 minute delay, I got to DC with just barely enough time to run to the other end of the airport to catch my connecting flight to here. It was an eventful few hours, but hey, I'm here and in one piece!
So, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you were able to share the day with people you love!
20 November 2007
It's been so Long!
Life has been pretty busy, though. Between work and classes, I barely sleep let alone eat! But it's been great. For some reason, I'm one of those crazy people who just thrives on that kind of stress.
Anyway, class is over! I handed in the last paper on Saturday morning at 2:30 and just gave that huge sigh of relief! I have two whole weeks of no classes! I'm not really sure what to actually do with myself. I mean for the last 12 weeks, my entire life has been work, and doing homework at Starbucks. Saturday night before work I actually went to Starbucks with a book I actually WANTED to read and had a cup of coffee and read. It was fantastic. It has been so long since I read a book simply for the enjoyment of reading, that I had almost forgotten how great it was.
And tonight is my last night of work before I go on vacation. I'm headed to NC to see Lead Momma et al for Thanksgiving. I am so very excited! I feel bad, though. She called last night, and I was so exhausted, I couldn't even muster up the energy to have a fun conversation.
Yesterday was my 30th birthday. No I don't feel any different. And no, I'm not having a breakdown over it. It's just a number. Anyway, I met my parents for lunch, which was really actually nice. We had a good time and a great conversation. But I didn't sleep much and so was pretty tired by the time I finally got home. I also did some Christmas shopping while I was out, so I at least have a start on that. So much to do, and so very little time.
Sunday night, Preschool Queen and Homer had me over for dinner to celebrate. I brought a friend with me. He's a great guy, and Preschool Queen and Captain Contrary have met him several times before, but Homer had not. To my great relief, Homer likes him a lot. Thinks he seems like a very nice guy! That means so very much to me. And hey, he makes me smile...a lot. We have an absolute blast whenever we spend time together, which is fun.
Talked with my super-cool cousin last night and I'm so very jealous. She's flying to London today...I wish I could go with her. I desperately miss that city and truly can't wait to go back. I told her about a few restaurants I ate in that I think she may like. I can't wait to hear all about the trip. Hopefully all flights are safe...
Oh, and the return of travel includes the return of Tank's adventures. Should be fun...I should even be able to write most of it on the fly since I'll have my laptop with me. (movies in the airport are a good thing.)
Anyway, that's all for now, more later from the road maybe!
01 November 2007
Posting from the Mac
I also ordered a case for it and a sling bag...so until that comes there is just no darn way I am taking it out of my apartment. I'm way too likely to drop it.
Alright, that's all for now...
29 October 2007
Working OT
Actually pretty psyched about it. It's been fun so far. I decided to work thru my weekend, just to get used to sleeping during the day again, so I'm probably going into work in just a little while. I'm actually finding that I have more time to do my homework lately (okay so today) which is probably a good thing.
The weather has changed, for sure. It's cold now! I think it's maybe 40 degrees outside right now and is just supposed to get colder the later it gets. I love this time of year!
I think the only thing I'm bummed out about right now is the lack of time I have for hanging out at Starbuck's. Maybe tomorrow if I get up early enough, I'll head over there to do some studying before going into work.
OH! My exciting news...I just ordered a laptop! I'm making the big switch to Apple. So, we'll see how I like it. My understanding is that just about everyone who has switched loves it. A friend of mine convinced me that this was really the way to go. It was funny, when I started asking about the Macbook, it was like the decision was made for me. And he started talking about 'when you have your Apple...' He absolutely cracks me up. But anyway, I did order one, and I should have it by Halloween. (think of it as trick-or-treating for grown-ups) I'm sure I'll have tons of opinions on it, and will of course talk about them here...
Alright, I should probably call to see if there is overtime and then get myself to work!
20 October 2007
13 October 2007
Ohh I forgot to mention
Random new photos
11 October 2007
The only thing I am bummed about is not being with the training group anymore for the next step of their training. I had hoped that I would be able to help through until they went onto the shifts (most of them will be coming to thirds, too.) Oh well, they'll survive, and hopefully come to me completely ready to work. If not, I'll be doing a bunch of on the job training once they are on the floor.
Classes are good, busy, but I did my first paper and got a decent grade on it. The next one is due next weekend, so I've been starting to think about it. I've been a total slacker about classwork this week, though. And to be honest, I don't feel at all bad about it. This has really been a trying week. I'll catch up after I get home tomorrow night (since I need to stay up late, anyway).
I've met a guy who has caught my interest. He's funny, sincere, and really very nice to me. It's been fun getting to know him. I have no idea what will happen, but it's nice to meet someone to just hang out with and drink coffee. He likes Starbuck's about as much as I do. He's new in town, too.
And speaking of Starbuck's...I think that I may be on my way to becoming a Starbuck's junkie. I've gotten into the habit of stopping there just about every day after work. (It doesn't hurt that there is a cute guy to chat with there!) I'm going to have to figure out a new coffee schedule, now that I'm going back to mids.
21 September 2007
Classes are going great. It is so much more work than I ever expected it to be. In fact, tomorrow my plan is to head to Starbuck's to do some reading. I'm finding that it's way too easy to find other things to do around here. Like re-arranging my shoes. And cleaning the bathroom. And re-arranging the pantry. So, I think it'll be good to get out and not have anything else to focus on. And I'm rather glad I don't have a laptop yet, because the Internet is such a total time-suck.
It's amazing how fall has come upon us. The trees are changing colors already. And they are simply beautiful! This is truly my favorite time of year. I love the crisp mornings and the beautiful sunny afternoons. I love wearing jeans and t-shirts. And as the weather gets cooler, I love sweaters and fleece. I love the colors and the smell...I love fall!
11 September 2007
I do remember that day, clearly. Like it was yesterday. It's one of those incredibly traumatic events that is scorched on every one's brain. Like for everyone who was alive, they remember exactly where they were when Kennedy was shot. Or when the Challenger exploded. 9/11 is the same thing. And so here is my story.
At the time, I was teaching in North Carolina. I taught in a trailer in the playground along with 6 other teachers. I took my kids into the building for a bathroom break and one of the 4th grade teachers walked by me and whispered into my ear. I was only half paying attention to him, there were so many things I was paying attention to. He said "A plane flew into the WTC." I barely even heard what he said, and I certainly didn't understand what he meant. I assumed that it was a tiny plane and an accident. I didn't even pause as I rounded out my kids and continued teaching. About an hour later, my kids were in a special, and I walked into the classroom next to mine, hearing her television on (her kids were in a special as well). I saw scenes of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. That's when I got very confused. I couldn't understand how someone could confuse the WTC in NYC and the Pentagon in DC. (At this point I still hadn't realized that they both had been attacked.)
The main office then cancelled all afterschool activities for the day. We sent all of the kids home at the end of the regular school day. I guess the administration felt that it was a time to be with their families (and I was 1000 miles from my closest relative). This was the first time I had a chance to learn what was going on. I sat in another teacher's classroom and watched the now famous TV footage of the towers being hit by those two planes. Tears streamed down my face. I realized then that this was no accident. And as I watched, I started putting the pieces together. I drove home in a fog. All of the local radio stations had suspended regular broadcasts and were doing news and call-in shows. My favorite radio personalities were still on air at 4 in the afternoon (their show, was on from 6-10 in the morning). They were serious and you could hear the emotion in their voices.
I got home and turned on the news and watched and cried. I called my family, and told them I loved them. I honestly don't think I have ever felt so alone. I just sat in front of the TV watching footage of the buildings burning, desperate people jumping, and the buildings finally collapsing. I was numb and I ached. The country that I love had been attacked.
I cried like I lost a loved one that day. (I didn't. In fact, I didn't even know anyone who died that day...) That doesn't matter. Even still, 9/11 makes me cry. I haven't been able to watch any footage of it since that week. Alan Jackson's song, "Where were you (when the world stopped turning)" speaks to me. I think whether you like country music or not, it's words touch your heart. I remember his first performance of the song, shortly after the attacks. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house that night. I know mine weren't.
And that day changed me. In profound ways. I felt that I had to do something. I had to find a way to help, to make the US safer. To protect my friends and family. And so, I left teaching, I found the job that I have now.
That's my 9/11 story, what's yours?
20 August 2007
Exciting Things Happening
I also got my textbooks for my first class today. I have to say, I'm very excited about this. Although I was a little scared when I picked up the box. It was HEAVY. I wanted to take a photo of the stack of books to post, but my darn batteries in the camera have died, and I can't seem to find any new ones around here. I promise at some point this week, there will be a pic. There are four books for this class, two of which are longer than 800 pages. The other two are around 300 pages each. I was talking to a man I work with about grad school and he said that from his experience, graduate level classes are about 3 times the amount of work of an undergrad class. I think he may be right. I think I'll start reading now!
I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I decided to adopt a soldier. This is a charity organization that matches up soldiers who don't get mail/packages with someone in the States who commits to sending at least 1 letter a week and one package a month for the duration of the soldier's deployment. It breaks my heart that there are men and women out there who never get any mail. Anyway, I decided that this was the least I could do. All of this is to say that I got an email today from my soldier. I was totally surprised for a few reasons. We're warned not to expect to hear from them, and my first letter was mailed just last week. I can't believe how efficiently the mail was able to get to him. And what I've realized about this, the statement 'it feels better to give than receive' is 100% true. I feel absolutely great about being able do this! It's just my small part.
17 August 2007
An Amazing Book...A Must Read
These characters moved me. The love between Laila and Tariq was achingly beautiful. I don't usually believe in two people being "meant" for each other. These two were. Now, if I had been at home reading this, instead of at work, I would have been sobbing when she was told of his death. I felt it wasn't fair. They belonged together. They deserved happiness in the chaos that was Kabul. My heart ached, no other words for it, my heart ached.
And I was fascinated by the backdrop of the book, the last 30 years in Afghanistan. From before the Soviet invasion, to the rise (and ultimately the fall) of the Taliban. I felt it was honestly portrayed, neither glorified nor apologized for, through the lives of these characters.
There are so many more things that I'd like to say about the book, but it would ruin the story for anyone else. I think I'd have to say it's a must read. The strength of the two main characters, Laila and Mariam, is inspiring. So, go out, get the book and start reading. And hopefully, you'll love it as much as I did.
13 August 2007
Work Woes
I work in a facility that is considered mission critical. That means that we have to be there 24/7. This is something that is abundantly clear at the outset of hiring. It is mentioned multiple times in the interview and is clear throughout the process. So, it's nothing unknown to any of us working in the building. AND. Our schedule is set for between 6 months and a year, however, there is a disclaimer on it which states, "schedule based on the needs of the service". Translation: if things need to be changed, then they are going to be changed. We are a mission critical 24/7 facility and there needs to be someone here to do the job.
As I've mentioned recently, I've been reassigned to the communications center to answer phones because of staffing issues. Since that has happened, it was announced that I had been hired as a supervisor. While waiting for that to become official, they have had to find my replacement and train him. The decision has also been made that the staffing in the unit is insufficient in comparison to the work load. Too many people have been given the weekend off. (the previous supervisor in the unit wanted to make his friends happy, so he gave them all the weekends off, even though the unit is busiest on the weekends.) So, the new supervisor has to change the schedule and that has pissed off everyone in the unit but me.
The one individual who caused the issues in the first place (convinced the old supervisor to give him the days off he wanted) is acting like a 5 year old at this point. I can't comment on what precisely is happening, but to be honest, the entire building would be better without him and the old supervisor. Of course, we can't seem to do that. How frustrating.
And here are a few other things that are driving me nuts:
- I will not apologize for being hired as a supervisor
- If you didn't apply, don't complain
- If you did apply, it's not my fault you didn't get it
Okay, I think I'm done complaining. I'm sure after tonight I may have some other things to say, who knows!
09 August 2007
I've realized that when you experience a new loss like this, it reminds you of all the other people you've lost. Grief is a really funny thing like that. So, I've been thinking a lot about the people in my life who have died. Cheery, no? And I've been trying to have patience with myself as I go through this, but as usual, I tend to get frustrated. Oh well, I try.
Other than that, Captain Contrary and I hung out last Thursday all day. Preschool Queen had some things to do, so we chilled. It was a ton of fun. When it was time to bring him home, he looked at me and said, "why do we have to go?" I told him that the parental units would like him to come home. He still didn't want to leave. It cracked me up.
And of course, his party was Saturday. Like I said, decorating the cake wasn't finished until 2 AM on Saturday morning, but his reaction was totally worth it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would. I popped in a few Harry Potter audio Cd's and listened as I decorated. I've certainly learned a few lessons, and I think the more I do these things, the better I'll get. I know that this one was far from perfect, but hey, the kids just loved it and that's what is important to me.
Sunday I had drinks and dinner with a very good friend of mine at work who is leaving. I think I'll call her Arizona Chica. She's moving this weekend, and as may now be obvious, she's going to AZ. I'm really proud of her for doing this. It's a huge move! But it's going to be great for her! So we ended up being out until about midnight. We had a great time.
And this week at work I was able to be a part of some training on Human Trafficking. I really feel like I learned a ton about it. One thing that I learned was that the phrases human smuggling and human trafficking cannot be used interchangeably, although they often are.
And this brings us back up to today. Last night I was chatting with my supervisor, and first, we've found a replacement for me (who was replacing Arizona Chica) in the comm center. Thank goodness! So, anyway, he and I were chatting and he told me that although he'd like me in the unit until October, it wouldn't be a good idea since there wouldn't usually be 6 people down there. Of course I jumped on this opportunity to ask to be removed from the unit once the new guy is trained. Totally awesome, he agreed, so after next week, I don't have to be around the crazily ringing phones! Yeah!!!!
08 August 2007
Captain Contrary's Birthday Party
02 August 2007
The Police Concert
As everyone was walking to the gate with us, a man was selling two tickets to the show. The ladies offered him $150 for the pair of tickets and he took it! (now the tickets were $250 each) We were totally psyched. Turns out they were tickets on the floor...20th row. We went our separate ways when we got into the stadium since we were in an upper section. The opening band was pretty darn good. Turns out it was Sting's son's band. I'll have to find more things by them, but I enjoyed it.
Before the Police took the stage, Preschool Queen and I went and we got t-shirts...(yes I was there and have the t-shirt to prove it!) They took the stage at just about 9pm and immediately started playing the hits that everyone loves. The whole crowd was singing and screaming and dancing. It was just wild. After about 5 songs, the other two women came up to our seats and switched with us. They said since PQ and I were the really big Police fans, we should be down on the floor. So, we made our way down there, and WERE IN THE 20th ROW!!! It was just about the coolest thing in the world!!!
I have no words for how amazing the music was. They were so dang good. There were big screens around so that you could see the band close up and other things during the songs. When they played Invisible Sun there were pictures of refugee children being flashed up. And I stood there listening to the words and singing along, watching these pictures. The thought that flashed through my mind was, "I'm not sending UNICEF nearly enough money." But I suppose that was their point. If you can spare enough money to spend anywhere from $100-$300 on a concert ticket, then you can certainly help those who need it.
So, now that I've established that this was the coolest concert in the Universe, there are two complaints that I have. First. While there were many people in the neon yellow shirts who worked security in the venue, there was no security clearing. No one checking bags, no pat down, no wanding. People could have brought in anything that they wanted. And that really bothered me. If someone had wanted to cause damage or loss of life, this would have been a perfect opportunity. Second. The traffic fiasco which was 30,000 people all trying to leave at the same time. Now I know that this is not the first time this location has had a large crowd. It's where the UConn football team plays. They know about crowds. But although there were many police officers around, they weren't directing traffic in any way. It was really frustrating to leave.
But like I said, it was a blast! Something I'll never forget.
28 July 2007
Week Wrapup
This past week has been overwhelming and busy and crazy! I'm so excited about starting this new job! It was funny, I was asked not to say anything about the job for a while. When Will and I went for a walk on Tuesday he noticed that I was acting oddly. He figured out what it was, but I wouldn't tell him. So, forgetting that he knew the blog address, I thought things were safe. Foolish me! He went right here and read the last post indicating that I had gotten the job. I think he's really happy for me, which means more than he'll ever know!
23 July 2007
Yep, got the phone call this afternoon after getting home from Preschool Queen's house. Yes, Monday is laundry day...what fun and excitement, no?
Anyway, I got the phone call offering me the job, and of course I accepted it, who wouldn't? So, of course I went right back to Preschool Queen's house and we all had dinner and champagne, naturally. I think I may have drunk a bottle of it by myself...it's all good, though. Another friend who was there walked me home, no there was no driving. So, I'll get my wheels tomorrow!
Just had to share the awesome news!
22 July 2007
JK Rowling is the Best Author Ever
This was the best Harry Potter book ever! From the very first page, the action was off and running, and there was no stopping until the very last word. (Which was NOT scar, btw...)
And to those of you out there who say it's just a children's book, to you I say. Read this one. It is most certainly not for children. People die left and right. From the very beginning, Voldemort is torturing and killing. Mad-eye Moody dies within the first few chapters. And while the actual death did not bother me terribly, the reaction of the members of the Order of the Phoenix did. Hedwig died at the same time. That devistated me. And then George is maimed. In true twins humor, the jokes roll in as they deal with the loss of his ear.
I was furious when Ron left Harry and Hermione. And didn't understand until he came back and talked about wearing the horcrux. Last night, as Will was reading, he called me and wondered if the doe patronus belonged to Snape. This morning I was shocked to learn he was right! Nice going, Will! And his logic was dead on. It was all because of Lily.
Can I say that Neville was brilliant in this one? He had truly come into his own. What a brave young man!
I was thrilled that Snape was good. All along. I am thrilled that she explained why Dumbledore always trusted him. I love that Harry was able to call him the bravest man he ever knew. And that at his end, Snape gave Harry all of his memories of Lily. It broke my heart that he loved her all his life. I can only imagine how much his was broken.
I sobbed when Dobby was killed. But he died saving Harry Potter. What a truly brave little elf. And Kreature! How much he changed! He ROCKED! I'm amazed that he completely changed his tune. And the key was Regulus.
That Lupin and Tonks died so shortly after Teddy was born was simply heartbreaking. I wish JK had told us who he lived with and who raised him once they were gone. I am so glad that they were able to have some happiness together before their murders.
And Percy redeemed himself! That was just fantastic! It is so hard to be able to admit when you are wrong. Percy had a hard time doing that, but when it came down to it, he was there when it mattered.
I'm also glad that Malfoy (Draco) survived as well. I was pleasantly surprised that he protected Harry, Ron and Hermione when they were taken to the Malfoy Manor.
I think the death that was most painful for me was Fred's. I was so sure that the twins would survive the war. I never thought one of them would die. But I suppose that is how war is.
And so, I have to buy Will dinner. Although I was sort of right. Harry did die, sort of. And then he came back and was able to kill Voldemort. So in the end, I owe him dinner.
Finally, Mrs Weasley killing Bellatrix was simply brilliant! Who would have thought? Now all there is to do is re-read!
You Are Paper |
![]() Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation. People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of. Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active. You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want. You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery. A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces. When you fight: No one can anticipate your next move If someone makes you mad: You'll attack them mercilessly when they're unprepared |
21 July 2007
The Wait is Over!
But I have my copy of the book!
I'm a little over half-way through it.
It's actually a lot harder to read than I thought it would be!
I've had to keep putting it down and walking away.
Tomorrow, pictures and stories from the Midnight Madness Party!
17 July 2007
Three Days and Counting
It has been 10 years since the first Harry Potter book came out, and many readers have grown up with Harry. I didn't start reading the books in '97. In fact, I didn't start reading them until sometime around when Prisoner of Azkaban came out. I was in college at the time, and one of my professor's (in fact, my favorite professor) was talking about the books, and the fact that the third in the series was about to come out. She thought I would like them and encouraged me to read the first two that had already been published. So I did. I read the first two books very quickly; and I borrowed her copy of the third book and read it in one day. I was completely hooked. The writing is exceptional. Now, I realize that this is nothing that hasn't already been said about the books or JK. She has done something that no other writer in recent memory has been able to do. I mean there is no midnight release party for the most recent Danielle Steele books.
As the day comes closer and closer, I wonder more and more how the series will end. Will Harry survive? Who's side is Snape on? And where are all the Horcruxes? As much as I want to get the book and devour it immediately, I know that this is it. Once I'm finished reading, there are no more on the horizon. There will never be another group of readers who have to wait for the next installment (sometimes for an agonizingly long period of time). And so I wonder, will it satisfy all of my expectations? Will all my questions be answered? Only Three more days to wait!
11 July 2007
New Carpet Saga Continued...
09 July 2007
Lead Momma's Funniest Blog Comment Ever
Let me set up the whole situation. Lead Momma calls me on her way home from work today and it was the first time she and I have chatted since I saw her new haircut. So I commented on it, and she asked me if I had seen the other comment on her blog entry. I said that I hadn't noticed it, and she said that it was from Poopy-head. (This is what we call her loser ex fiance.)
So, of course I ran right to my computer and checked out her blog to see it; and this is what I find:
It's Dan. We were engaged a bunch of years ago. Anyway, I tracked you down
online and see you have a beautiful son. Good for you! My second girl just
turned one. Drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you; sounds like you've become
a wonderful mother. No surprise there. Bye!
I started howling when I read this. THIS is how he identifies himself? We were engaged a bunch of years ago? Is he FREAKING kidding? Oh THAT Dan. I forgot you but boy, once you described yourself that way. Now I remember who you are. She was with him for 6 years. Who the hell forgets someone they spent six years of their lives with and planned to marry? Seriously, WTF? We both laughed so hard. There were tears...true story. Now to continue, one of the things he said didn't work for him was the fact that Lead Momma wanted to have children. Ummm...now he has 2? WTF again, I ask... And finally...'Drop me a line.' NO CONTACT INFORMATION. But please. Drop him a line. Right. She'll be right on that. Because she wants a loser like this guy to be back in her life.
Lead Momma is the closest thing I'll ever have to a sister. She is an amazing woman. She has an absolutely sparkling personality. She is brilliant, funny and loving. She is one of the best people I have ever met. This is all just a lead up to my being able to say how happy I am that she is where she is in her life. She has been blessed. While it certainly didn't feel that way when Poopy-head left just 6 months before the wedding, she rebounded and found a man who truly loves her. And is deserving of her love in return.
We think that he (Poopy-head) must have some unresolved issues since he's contacting her. Whatever. She was thinking about commenting back to him, and I told her to just ignore him; live in the satisfaction of the amazing life she has. They say that living well is truly the best revenge around. And she's truly doing that.
So, anyway, in closing...to say that this was truly my laugh for the day would be an understatement.
06 July 2007
Master's Bound...
It's funny how life works sometimes. As I was sitting here feeling really rotten about a variety of things and getting frustrated with just about everything, I decided in my randomness to take out the trash. (yes, the completely unglamorous side of living alone...) So while I was down there, I grabbed the mail.
Crammed into my mailbox was a big envelope from the University. I knew then that if it had been a letter turning down my application, it would have just been a legal sized envelope. I ran back upstairs and was already crying when I read the first line of the letter that said 'Congratulations.' And then I couldn't stop crying.
So, in just two short years, I'll have my degree and will be done with my thesis! I'm so very excited!
05 July 2007
To Call or Not to Call continued...
Of course, self-doubt has started creeping in and I've started wondering if he didn't have such a good time with me. Which leads me to wonder how on earth I ever could have mis-read the entire evening like that. I really thought we hit it off. This whole dating thing, so not fun. Well, let me rephrase that. The date was great, wonderful, a lot of fun. This part sucks. This waiting, this insecurity, this not knowing.
Communications Center...
But this means that there is a vacancy in the communications center. And my old supervisor is now the supervisor there. He called me into his office tonight and said that while he wasn't going to force me, he'd really like me to join the unit again. Since my friend had already told me about her job, I knew that this was coming. So, I said yes. What else could I have done? I mean really. What was I going to do? Stomp my feet and act like a 3 year old? I did make two requests, first: that my friend re-train me before she leaves; and second: that I keep my current schedule. He was agreeable to those demands. I'm taking it as a chance to have a change of pace and new opportunities for my resume. So as of mid-August, I'll be answering phones again. I think the job will be fine, it'll be the attitudes of everyone else in the unit that will drive me absolutely insane to say the least.
This is of course, totally dependent on whether or not I get the supervisor position. That would negate all of the previous ramblings. So, it's the waiting now.
04 July 2007
To Call or Not to Call
We met for coffee and talked for well over an hour and decided to go for a walk. We started walking and it started raining. While that wasn't such a big deal, it continued to rain harder and harder, so he asked if I wanted to go to get a drink somewhere. We ended up at a bar that I love, a nice place where you can actually talk; and we were there for several beers and food. He's cute, he's funny, outgoing and very nice. He's dynamic and well read. He made me smile and laugh, a lot. He was a true gentleman. He opened doors for me, he complimented me, paid for the whole evening and then at the end, walked me to my car even though it was completely out of his way. He even hugged me goodnight.
Homer tells me that things must have been going well, because if He wasn't having a good time, he could have bailed at a variety of times throughout the night. And he didn't. I really want to see this guy again. So, what do I do? Preschool Queen thinks the 'three day rule' is a total bunch of crap and says that I should just drop him a line. My only concern there, if he does believe in the '3 day' thing, then he'll think I'm nuts for contacting him. I am so very impatient, and waiting until Thursday is just driving me nuts.
I know he's got a bunch going on, one of his very good friends is in town one last time before she moves to San Francisco; she actually got to his apartment the day we were going out. I offered to cut the night short so he could hang out with her, and he said he'd see plenty of her later, but was having a good time with me. I know I'm probably freaking over nothing...I guess what makes the most sense is waiting until tomorrow and sending a message thanking him for a nice time on Monday. Or do I wait for him to make the next move? I'm so confused!
30 June 2007
Cali Boy is Awesome...true story :)
23 June 2007
Week Wrap-up
My interview was Thursday afternoon, and I think it went really well. It's so hard to tell with these things. Interviewers are so non-committal, aren't they? One of the biggest things for me was Will wishing me success. It meant a ton, far more than I think he knew. And he gave me really good advice as well, it's okay to be nervous, just don't let them see it. I think I was successful there. So, now it's the waiting. They have made their recommendations and because I work for the government, it's not as easy as just hiring at that point. The list has to go to several different offices to be approved before they can announce who has been hired, so that will take about 4-6 weeks. Like I said, now's the waiting...
Friday I worked during the day as a mentor. When we hire, the class is 5 weeks long and then there are two weeks where the new people work on the floor but are monitored by an experienced employee before working independently. Yesterday that's what I did. It's a small class, only 4 people, but I truly had my hands full. My honest opinion, there is at least one who just isn't going to cut it. But they have potential. The day was a lot of fun, and Cali Boy was there for overtime, which was a pleasant surprise. He sits right in the middle of the mentoring area so he and I had 5 hours to chat. How very cool is that? And he started asking me some work related questions as well. I so enjoy passing on the knowledge I've gained over the last 4 1/2 years. And he was truly invested in the conversation. It was a really good day, for sure.
Anyway, I'm off in just a bit to house sit for Preschool Queen and Homer. They are on their way for a week of camping on the coast of Maine (better them than me!) but they couldn't take the crazy dog, so that's my job! Wish me luck!
19 June 2007
Things are Good
I had a really great time this weekend, even though I was there alone. I was finally comfortable in my aloneness again. Preschool Queen keeps telling me that I should really enjoy this time in my life because before I know it, it will be gone.
My friendship with Will seems to be back on track. I hadn't really realized how much chaos it had been throwing into other parts of my life until now. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've really missed him, and am so very glad that things are continuing to improve.
I've got a lot of confidence going into this interview. I have people around me who truly believe that I'll get it. (I don't know what to believe, but certainly don't want to get my hopes up too much.) The more I go over potential questions, the more comfortable I'll feel on Thursday afternoon. Lead Momma has been an incredible help with this. Will was surprised that I really want this position, and rightly guessed that the whole process has gotten my competitive hackles up; but beyond that, I really actually want the job. (Am I crazy?)
Preschool Queen and I were shopping for a new outfit for the interview, and we really did find just the perfect thing. Anyway, we were at Macy's and we were walking past the jewelry counter, but really, who can actually walk PAST the counter without stopping? Anyway, there was this beautiful set of freshwater pearls. It was seven strands together, and the sales guy heard me talking about them and told me I had to try them on. So, of course I did. He was complimenting me etc, but like I said, he's a sales guy, so I wasn't listening. Preschool Queen said he was flirting, not trying to sell the necklace. (like I said, didn't notice.)
I did however notice the very cute new security guard at work flirting with me when I walked in tonight. Such an ego boost for sure!
But as I was saying, things really seem pretty good. I really don't think about the PCOS much. It wouldn't really do much good anyway. And my aloneness (did I just create a new word, how do I contact Webster's to find out? would I get credit for it?) is okay. I really do have the freedom to do anything I want right now. Does that mean I'm not interested in a relationship at this point? No, of course not. I think I'd happily date the right man at this point. I'd like nothing more than to have someone to snuggle on the couch with and watch a movie. Alone has it's benefits for sure, but a significant drawback would of course be the loneliness. And I do feel that way sometimes.
They say that human beings need to be touched. We thrive on it. The touch of another person does wonders for our moods and our well being. When you live alone, and aren't in a relationship, the human touches are few and far between. That's hard. It's really something that people in relationships take for granted. One of the things I miss the most is feeling someones hands in my hair or on the back of my neck.
17 June 2007
The Party Yesterday
And the party was wonderful. Lots of good food and champagne and lots of laughs. And it was such a wonderful thing to celebrate. 10 years of a happy marriage. It's a true feat. I truly hope that someday I'm able to find what the two of them have found. They bring out the best in each other. When he looks at her, you can see the love in his eyes. She's the only woman in the room when he looks at her. Being able to find that person who loves you just as you are is a precious thing. They have that. Someday I hope to find it.
I also learned this morning that I created a teachable moment for Captain Contrary. I only live a little over a mile from Preschool Queen and Homer. I did drink a lot of champagne at this party. I left my keys and my car at their house and walked home. When he woke up in the morning, he saw my car in the driveway still and couldn't understand why I didn't take it home. He asked Preschool Queen about it, and she responded with a question of her own. She asked him if he remembered talking about not driving after drinking. He said he did and she said that I knew that too, and so walked home and would be back later in the morning to get my car. It's nice to be a good example.
15 June 2007
An Interview
Last month I applied for a supervisor position at work. Tuesday night I found out that I'm getting an interview!!! I am so totally excited about this. I really want this job. I think I'd be really good at it. So, next Thursday I have this interview. Now it's time to prepare. Need to think about a bunch of questions that I know will be asked. After I set up the time for the interview, I sat down with a woman who was just hired about 6 months ago as a supervisor and asked her for some advice. She was very helpful. And so now I'm giving a lot of thought to the typical interview questions. I want to nail this. I want this job!
So, that's my big news. There is quite a bit of competition for this, but hopefully this will work out for me!
13 June 2007
I really didn't think things would change this much. I'm astounded. I've lost one of my closest friends in the world. Something absolutely amazing happened at work last night. And I didn't even mention it because I knew in my heart that it wouldn't matter. That the friend wouldn't care. I was told this was all in my head. That I'm being overly sensitive. I shared that with Preschool Queen. She laughed. Hard. She said that I can be a lot of things, but overly sensitive would never be one of them. Perceptive, yes. Overly sensitive, nope. So, I don't know. Why do I keep trying to keep this friendship? When am I going to just let go?
11 June 2007
7 Things
I'm supposed to create a list of 7 random facts about myself...Here goes!
1. I HATE being hot. Yes, it's hot in here right now. Kind of makes you wonder why I want to move south so badly, doesn't it?
2. Thunderstorms terrify me. It's not the lightening that can kill ya, it the noise of the thunder that scares me. Can't stand it. They make me want to curl up and hide wherever I am. And yes, I have to fight the urge to hide under my desk at work when there's a storm.
3. My favorite book ever, of all time, is The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. So, how many of you are shocked that this isn't a Harry Potter book? When I was younger I read my copy so many times that it literally fell apart. I still have those pieces, though.
4. I love 80's music. I can't help it, the hair bands of the late 80's were just too much fun! Even now if I hear it on XM, I'll crank it up and sing along. Oh yeah, I sing just about everywhere and rarely realize I'm doing it, in the car, in the shower, in the store, at work...you get the picture.
5. Speaking of Harry Potter (see 4), I can't fall asleep without listening to at least l CD from one of the HP audio books. It's relaxing, Jim Dale has such a fantastic reading voice. I even have one of the books on my mp3 player so I can listen when I'm away from home.
6. I was painfully shy as a child. (okay, stop laughing all of you who know me...) Seriously, I was the little girl who was hiding (and probably crying) with my face buried in my mother's skirts. My parents were worried that I would always be that way...I guess they don't have to worry anymore.
7. I sincerely hope to travel to the Middle East some day, maybe when it's safer than now. I want to see the birthplace of civilization, the ruins in Jordan, the ruins of Ancient Egypt, Jerusalem...
Okay, so there's my 7, Lead Momma it's all you...tag, your turn!
So, in completely unrelated to anything statements, the town I live in won the baseball State championships today. So just a little while ago, the bus bringing them home was escorted through town by not one but two of the fire trucks with all their sirens wailing. This is one of the things I love about small towns. The sense of community, and pride in the high school team. So, congratulations, boys!!
07 June 2007
Philly Day Four
Yesterday was day four. In the morning mom and I went our separate ways, she wanted to go to the Mint and Betsey Ross' house. I didn't, and I wanted to work on my school application.
We met at lunch time at the Reading Terminal Market. The place is simply amazing. I so wish that there was a market like this at home. Separate stalls of vegetables, meats, fish, and everything else you could possibly think of. It was just fantastic. The Amish come to town on Wednesday as well, bringing all of their specialties. We had lunch there, Mom had a Philly Cheese steak and I had a pulled pork sandwich with sides. It was out of this world. And it satisfied my craving until I head to NC...
While I was sitting and eating, I started chatting with the woman who was sitting next to me. She was putting together a basket for her cat sitter and was telling me about this out of this world chocolate shop not to far away called the Naked Chocolate Cafe. So, Mom and I set out to find this place. Wow. Let me tell ya, it was totally worth the walk. The chocolates were beautiful and they had chocolate beverages as well, I had a frozen chocolate. It was served in like a goblet, I'll post photos later...It was simply sinful! And the good news? They ship their chocolate! Not in the summer, but any other time of year, go to their website and you can order it up!
And so, now I'm home; and quite frankly rather glad to be here. And no work until tomorrow night, how awesome is that?
05 June 2007
Philly Day Three
Anyway, other than that, I find we have surprisingly little to talk about. I keep my personal life just that, personal. We've never talked about that at all. We barely talk about anything like feelings. (probably comes from Dad, Mr. Career Navy) and so there have been a lot of quite times. Oh well. That's life.
Today was the day I was truly waiting for during this trip. We went to the Franklin Institute to see the traveling King Tut exhibit. It's on loan from Egypt and has been in Chicago, LA, and Ft Lauderdale prior to this; and this is the last US stop before heading to London this fall and then back to Egypt. The collection is over 130 artifacts from King Tut's tomb and several tombs of his relatives. The audio tour was done by Omar Shariff, which I thought was pretty funny, because he did the audio tour in the Egyptian section of the British Museum as well. They did have a sarcophagus on display, but it belonged to a relative of Tut's (a woman they believe was his great grandmother). It was simply beautiful. These artifacts were breath-taking. And it was simply mind boggling that they are over 3000 years old. Most of them look completely brand new. The gold still has incredible lustre; the carvings are still sharp and clean, the paint still vibrant. One of my favorite pieces was a fixed foot stool that Tut would have used in the afterlife. Not that it was particularly spectacular; it was carved wood with inlays and the heads of ducks for the legs. What I loved was the fact that one of the photos that Howard Carter took in 1922 was on the opposite wall, and you could clearly see the stool in the first chamber. There was also a wooden bust of Tutankhamen as well. It was amazing to be able to look the King in his eyes. The audio at that point was a commentary by Dr. Zahi Hawas (forgive me if I misspelled his name) saying that it was clearly life-sized. I was struck then, by how small the King was. Another favorite piece was a carved head of Nefertiti. It was carved out of stone, but was so life like it was hard to believe.
After that, I had wanted to go to the University of Pennsylvania because they had an archaeological exhibit on Amarna; but we didn't. So, instead we took one of the bus tours of the city. In fact, it was done by the same group who did the bus tour in London; The Big Bus Tours. It was good. Lots of things that we had already seen in the last two days, and then a lot of things that we hadn't seen. The stairs Rocky climbed...along with his larger than life statue; several other museums and of course, the Eastern State Penitentiary, which is now classified as a ruin, but was the first Penitentiary in the world. The Quakers felt that after committing a crime you needed to repent and be penitent; and so built the building for that purpose. I guess it was pretty harsh to say the least, solitary confinement, a Bible and a hole in the ceiling that let in light. Needless to say, many went insane instead of repenting. Supposedly a very haunted building as well.
We also saw the Seaport Museum; and if you're not into boats, I'd skip it; but they do have a WWII submarine to tour as well as the oldest steel ship in the country. I was simply astounded at how small quarters were on the sub. Someone my size would fit comfortably through the passages (I'm just 5 feet tall) anything else would have been difficult. And 67 men lived on this sub! It was just astounding!! I was pretty glad that there weren't very many tourists there when we were walking through because my claustrophobia would have been in overdrive.
So, tomorrow's plan is to go to the Reading Terminal Market (sound familiar if you've played Monopoly) there is a big marketplace there, and I guess on Wednesdays the Amish come with the food and crafts that they specialize in. So, a fitting way to end the trip--shopping!
04 June 2007
Philly Day Two
We started back at the Independence Visitor's Center since Mom hadn't seen any of it; and got tickets for Independence Hall (yes I did this again). Different tour guide, entirely different set of information provided. Still quite interesting. This time the guide was impressing upon us the fact that there almost wasn't a United States of America. Because when the Articles of the Confederation were written, each state was given total sovereignty. So, 9 of the thirteen states had navies, all thirteen had their own currency. Basically it was chaos and other countries saw this and started preying on the small states. This was when it was decided that they had to form some sort of Union. And then the Founding Fathers spent an entire summer arguing over what this would look like and what form the National government would take.
We also saw the Liberty Bell today. Wow. We were able to get up close; close enough to touch it, but I think the two park rangers who were standing right there would have had issue with that. But I have pictures; I've been to the Liberty Bell. What an amazing symbol of our freedom.
We took a break for lunch and then went to the Constitution Museum. Yes, there is an entire museum dedicated to the Constitution, and it's huge. Tons of interactive things to do. It was really interesting and a further education on the government of this country. The more time I spend here, the more I'm amazed at how forward thinking the Founding Fathers were. The document they wrote over 200 years ago has only been amended 27 times since then. How truly impressive. It does give me hope for all of the new democracies in the world.
There was a separate exhibit at the museum called Eyewitness. It is on loan from the National Archives in DC. They are all eye witness accounts of historic moments. Letters from WWII when Dachau was first found by the Allies. A radio report from the destruction of the Hindenburg. President Carter's Diary entry from when Pope John Paul II first visited the States. Rose Kennedy's Diary entry from when she and Ambassador Kennedy were living in London prior to the start of WWII when they stayed at Windsor Castle and met the King and Queen. The German U-boat Captain's account of sinking the Lusitania. It was truly fascinating; and I'm quite glad I got to see it.
After that we went to Franklin Court. It's the land where Ben Franklin's house once stood. There's a museum there and a "ghost outline" of the space the house would have filled. Because there is no good historical information as to what his house looked like, they chose not to reconstruct it. It was okay, but if you're short on time here in the city, it's totally something that can be skipped.
Then we went to dinner at an Afghani restaurant, called Kabul. The food was AWESOME. As an appetizer I had pastries filled with pumpkin and spices served with yogurt, for dinner I had lamb with raisins, and pistachios, and carrots served over brown rice, and for dessert I had basically fried dough with pistachios and sugar and other spices. Oh, and Afghani Iced Tea (iced tea with cardamom and mint). The meal was just amazing, I really can't say enough about it. Other than it's probably a good thing that there aren't restaurants this good back home, I'd go broke eating out all the time.
03 June 2007
Philly Day One
Arrived very early and as soon as I got off the plane, my phone was ringing. Mom's flight had been cancelled and so she was trying to get on another one, but didn't want me waiting at the airport for nothing. So, I got to the hotel, dropped off my bags, it was way too early to check in, and started exploring the city. Our hotel is located in the historic district of the city, and so many of the historic sites are within walking distance. So, I got directions, found a Starbuck's (can you believe there were NO STARBUCK'S in Philadelphia International Airport? What is up with that?) and then went walking. I found Independence Hall and the Visitor's Center and did the tour there. Our tour guide was great. Pretty funny and kept things really interesting. I'll post some pictures when I get home. I was struck though, by "how old" everyone kept saying these buildings were; when in reality, they are not. It goes back to what I was saying when I was in London, now that's history. We're just starting. And One thing that I thought was pretty important that she pointed out, was the fact that our fledgling democracy struggled. There was strife and tension between the colonies and among the people in the colonies. There were many people here who were sympathetic to the British, and the Patriots were rather harsh to them before and during the Revolution. I guess I'm trying to say that we didn't start out with the perfect system, we made mistakes and learned from them along the way. Maybe we should try to remember that when we become critical of other governments who are trying democracy for the first time.
After that, I went to the American Jewish Historical Museum. Unfortunately, most of their collection is being catalogued for the move to their new building; but the exhibit that I did see was just wonderful. It focused on food. One woman who was working there took the time to chat with me and explain some of the Jewish customs related to food, and explained the process of eating Kosher. I thought the exhibit was just great, because no matter what your background is, you can associate events with the food served. For example, corned beef and cabbage around St Patrick's Day; Turkey at Thanksgiving; The Feast of the Seven Fishes at Christmas. Everyone has memories surrounding family events and food. Good, bad or otherwise, there is always food.
After that, I found my way to a cute little restaurant called Gigi for a late brunch. I just love Cubanos and this one was exceptional. The pork instead of being sliced had been shredded, which gave the sandwich such an awesome texture.
02 June 2007
28 May 2007
Happy Memorial Day
Today is the town's Memorial Day parade. I guess it's actually one of the biggest in the state. I live right on Main St, and so everyone is coming over to sit on the front lawn to watch the parade. The weather is simply amazing today, which is cool. Another excuse to sit and get some of that Vitamin D! (A friend of mine at work has come up with that rationalization for sitting in the sun. Yes I know about the risk of skin cancer, I just love having a tan. Not an overwhelming one, but I really prefer not to look like a vampire.) And then this afternoon another friend in town is having a picnic, so I'm headed there. Then after that, Preschool Queen needs some help in her classroom. Travel Girl to the rescue! (I feel like I should have a cape...or at least some cool boots!)
Yesterday Preschool Queen and I went to the semi-annual sale of our favorite jewelry line. Ya just can't ask for anything more than really discounted sales!!! I mean necklaces that sell in retail stores for anywhere from $30 to $60 on sale for...get ready for it...$4. Yes, I said $4. Now it's understandable that I have a bazillion necklaces, no? And then after that, we picked up Captain Contrary (who was at his MOST contrary...) and went to see PIRATES! Was it as good as the first? Nope. But it was good. Really, any excuse to sit and watch Orlando Bloom for 2 hours and 47 minutes is just fine with me. It was I think the most violent of the three, actually surprised me how violent it was considering it is a Disney movie. Certainly earned it's PG-13 rating. Don't know if I would have let my 7 year old watch it; but he's not mine and it's not my decision.
Did I mention that I've fallen now twice in the last 4 days? Yep, Mom should have named my Gracie. The first time was Thursday evening as I was trying to go to work. I had such a cute outfit on, too. I was walking down the hill, instead of taking the stairs, to the street, slipped and fell. Just scraped up my hand and bruised my wrist; but because it's Main St, tons of people saw. How embarrassing! And of course I had to go back inside to change the now completely grass stained skirt... And then I did it again on Saturday when I was with Preschool Queen and family. We went to get ice cream after Captain Contrary's baseball game, and I fell down the stairs in the shop. As I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs assessing the damage, Captain Contrary looked over at me and said, "Auntie TG why are you down there?" I just couldn't resist and told him that it just seemed like a good idea. Big bruise this time! Such a klutz! I guess that's life, though.
Enjoy Memorial Day, and take a few minutes and thank a veteran! It's because of their sacrifice that we have all the freedoms that we do. They deserve our thanks and so much more!!!
24 May 2007
New Happenings
With where I am at work, I'm stuck. I can't move further up the pay scale because I'm maxed out at my office. In order to make the next jump, I need either field experience (of which I have none) or a Master's degree. Norwich University has a wonderful program in Diplomacy, which would open up all sorts of doors for me. Anyway, they have posted MANY positions for Adjudications, which is the next pay grade up from mine. Basically, the job is with Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) and it's responsibilities include adjudicating applications. It's not at all what I want to do. It's 180 degrees from where I want to be. I want to get further into the Intel side of things. I was told to apply to further my career, but I think that the Masters will more effectively do that for me. Anyway...last night at work we were talking about all of this (most people in my office are applying) and I was lamenting back and forth what the right thing to do was. Will looked at me and basically told me to get off my butt and apply for Grad School so I could get the job I want. Gotta love that he's there for the push whether or not I want it. His point was that I want to leave the area and don't want to do that without a job on the horizon, and that this was the best way to go about being able to head in the direction I want. So, I called this afternoon and I'm applying. Now I need to find the money. Hello financial aid!!! It's only money, right? And this is "good debt". As if there was such a thing.
He did offer some other advice as well. He told me that sometimes we need to take chances. His point was that if I really want to move to NC, I should just do it. Just pack up my things and move. Take the chance that there will be something there for me to do. He pointed out that he and his wife had done that when they came back to VT. And he does have a point. Sometimes you do need to take chances and a leap of faith. I just don't know if this is one of those times. I have a coveted position with the Federal Government. Benefits like these don't come along every day. But it is a thought to ponder.
Oh and an update to my weekend. I did go see the Ex's grandmother. She didn't know who I was. It broke my heart and I can't think about it, let alone write about it.
21 May 2007
The New Look
Last week, I got my hair cut. I mean seriously chopped off. My hairdresser, who is just the coolest ever, chopped probably 7 inches off my hair. So now it's above my shoulders and really cute. It's cut a lot like Jenny McCarthy's hair is, or Posh Spice but a little longer. And it looks awesome. Will didn't know that I was going to have it done; and when he saw it, he just said, "Wow!" It was precisely the reaction I was hoping for. Even people that I barely know at work are coming up to me and telling me that it looks amazing. Preschool Queen didn't know that I was going to do it either, and I stopped over on Saturday and she almost shouted about it. She loves it.
In other big news, my work posted a supervisory position. So I decided to put in for it. I'm trying not to get too excited about it, but I really would love to have it. Several of the supervisors on thirds recommended I apply for it, so who knows maybe my chances are better than I think they are. So, we'll see. The posting closes on Wednesday and then after that, I'll know. Everybody think good thoughts for me, I'm sure I'll need them.
On the sadder side of things, I learned that the Ex's gram is very sick. So, I'm going to see her tomorrow. And I'm really not looking forward to it. I have put it off for a while, but I really don't want to miss saying goodbye. I'd regret that much more than anything else. So, if you pray, say some prayers for his family. I know they are hurting right now.
15 May 2007
Venting Cranky Post
Here's the thing. I work nights. I don't believe this is news to anyone. Preschool Queen and Homer only have one vehicle right now; and so I've been picking up some slack making sure that Captain Contrary gets to his Little League games on time. Several weeks ago, she asked me to pick him up tomorrow afternoon. She and I haven't spoken or emailed in about a week; so today when I was at their house doing my laundry, I left her a note asking her to call me to confirm whether or not they still need me to pick up Captain Contrary. Nothing. No call. No email. Nothing. Doing this for them requires me to completely change my sleep schedule. I thought first of all she knew that and second of all would have enough courtesy to call and let me know one way or another. I don't think it's too much to ask. I guess I consider it simple courtesy. And yes, I'm pretty ticked off about this. Is it that hard to make a 2 minute phone call?
On to the other thing I want to vent about. Every time I think that my work can't get any lower in the way they treat the employees, I'm surprised and proven wrong all over again. Will was forced into the phone job that I wouldn't volunteer for. And I feel a lot of guilt over it. Had I just volunteered, he wouldn't be in this position. Part of me feels that this is truly all my fault. And like I said, I feel really terrible. And they gave him no notice. We showed up on Saturday night, and he was told to pack up his stuff and move. I have never seen him so angry. He held his temper with the supervisors, but really kind of let it go on me.
It really sucks. Even though it was only one night, I already missed having him upstairs with me. One of the ladies commented that I looked like a lost puppy without him around. I kind of felt like a lost puppy without him around as well. Work wasn't nearly as fun Saturday night as it usually is with him around. It really, really sucks!
Okay, I'm done venting...I'm sure there'll be a happier post next time!
09 May 2007
Captain Contrary's Game
So, Captain Contrary had his first little league game on Monday night. The weather was just perfect; and the game was a lot of fun. The kids were so cute. He had a hit and scored a run and was so totally psyched about it. I was really glad I was there. I took tons of photos, too. I was actually surprised that neither of his parents thought to bring a camera. I mean, it was his first little league game. Sure, last year he played t-ball, but this is totally different. He's got another game tonight that I'm going to try to get to...no promises, though.
07 May 2007
The Howling Dog Downstairs
As I sit here with the windows open enjoying the beautiful sunshine and warm weather; my ears are being accosted with the sound of my landlord's black lab. He barks, or rather howls, constantly when one of them isn't home. I honestly can't think of many things more annoying than that. And then he gets the other dog going. Such fun. Now, don't get me wrong. I love dogs; but then need to be well behaved. And they need to not bark all damn day long.
Travel Kitty (my very sweet cat) had her teeth cleaned today. So, she's still at the vet's office recovering from the whole experience. Hopefully she'll eventually tolerate my company again. She was some sorta ticked off this morning when I dropped her off. She actually tried to make an escape. I didn't realize that part of her carrier was still unzipped; but she did, and as I was carrying her down the stairs, she jumped out! Unfortunately for her, there was no place she could go, we were on the stairs between two closed doors. Anyway, she'll be home soon, thank goodness!
Yesterday Preschool Queen and I went shopping. I was in need of some serious retail therapy after the week I had. Anyway, I've realized that I will never go anyplace without my camera again. She made me try on this one outfit that was so incredibly bad; no let me restate that. It was something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. Anyway, the outfit was so very bad that it had us in hysterical laughter; so much so that we were both in tears over it. Seriously, it was bad. I wish I had a picture. It could have been the perfect scrapbook page. For real. Anyway, we had an awesome day; I got some clothes that look great (I know, like I need any more clothes...) and we had a lovely lunch. There was a college girl, probably 19 or so, and her tragically hip boyfriend and her father and grandmother at the table next to us. And she was talking about her roommate, who was "really deep, ya know? She's really deep, not like the blond one, she's just deep." Preschool Queen and I wanted to ask her what she could possibly mean by this statement; but instead just laughed as we walked away from the restaurant later. All in all, it was a great day! Just amazing how things can be so very different just a few days later!
01 May 2007
Anniversary Invitations
This is the prototype for Preschool Queen and Homer's 10 Anniversary celebration. I've been working on them for a couple days now, and it should take me just a few days more and I'll be done. I simply love doing this. I haven't taken any pictures of the other cards I've done, and I rather regret that. I've done all sorts of cards for Lead Momma...maybe she's got some photos. So, see, I can be pretty darn creative! What do people think?
28 April 2007
Dr Spaz's Evil Plan
Last night about half way through the night I realized something.
This set up is step one in Dr. Spaz's evil plan (insert evil laugh here...). I told him months ago that for me to move, I would need a guy, a job and a place to live.
Insert Lead Momma and her work cohort (I really need to come up with a good alias for her too)who just "happen" to know this really great single guy. And they work on introducing us via email.
And according to Lead Momma, Dr. Spaz been working on the place to live plan as well; a place his mother-in-law and I could share and pay them rent.
Now all that's left is a job. Last week, we were chatting and he tells Lead Momma to tell me, "they (ICE) are opening a new office in Raleigh."
If I'm not careful, I think I'll come home some morning to a moving truck and an apartment full of half-packed boxes...
They all rock!
Round up
I thought a lot about changing units at work. I was truly on the fence about it, as witnessed by my pro/con list. When I went into work last night; I was still undecided. I chatted with Will about it; and he had another really compelling con: I've been talking about returning to school to get my Masters. My plan was to do a lot of my homework while at work. That would be impossible when answering phones. One of the ladies I went on the cruise with had another really good con related to returning to school. The school requires a full course load, so effectively I'll be in school full time and working full time. She thought that my stress level would be way too high. So then I went to talk to my old supervisor from when I was down there. And the first thing he said to me was: "Don't you remember that you clenched your teeth so much you gave yourself a tension headache every day?" He also told me that he's 90% sure we're never going to do another full building pick; so I'd be stuck down in that unit. And Will's final point was: "TG, you never were able to sleep you were so stressed."
So, although, Lead Momma, I appreciate the advice; I think I've decided to pass on the opportunity. There would be no way for me to get out once I got in, and that truly is my major concern; and I also would have no hope of getting any sort of weekends off schedule. So, decision made; and I'm happy with it. I feel good with the choice I made at this point. So good in fact, I've already baked brownies and I'm planning on baking banana bread as well.
Marsh, I'm really glad you like the new template; I really thought it was time for a change.
And I realized after I posted, I never explained why Lead Momma was saying such nice things about me. She and one of her cohorts have decided to try to set me up with someone they work with. And they sent both of us an email message introducing us. And as the Match.com guys I've met so far have been not at all right; I thought this would be a great try. She knows me better than just about anyone, so if she thinks we'd be a good pair; why not trust her. What's the harm in trying? And that was what she said in the message about me.