11 July 2007

New Carpet Saga Continued...

Remember I mentioned that work was having the carpets replaced? Well, the carpet in our office is the small squares of carpeting rather than one long roll. And the installers are using a spray adhesive to make it stick to the floor. A spray adhesive that has a variety of warnings on the can. Including that the product should not be used indoors and if it must be used indoors, that it should be a well-ventilated room. We have double plate glass windows. This product, highly toxic. Apparently all attempts should be made to not inhale it. We've been sitting in the office for almost 2 weeks now while they use it. Totally explains the painful headaches I've been getting lately that won't go away no matter what I try.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Well ya work for the government -- they love to do things so 'right' it makes your head hurt!