28 May 2007

Happy Memorial Day

Wow. So the school I want to apply to was able to find this blog. That was a little freaky to me. Just reminded me how easy it is to find information on the Internet. I thought that this was anonymous...
Today is the town's Memorial Day parade. I guess it's actually one of the biggest in the state. I live right on Main St, and so everyone is coming over to sit on the front lawn to watch the parade. The weather is simply amazing today, which is cool. Another excuse to sit and get some of that Vitamin D! (A friend of mine at work has come up with that rationalization for sitting in the sun. Yes I know about the risk of skin cancer, I just love having a tan. Not an overwhelming one, but I really prefer not to look like a vampire.) And then this afternoon another friend in town is having a picnic, so I'm headed there. Then after that, Preschool Queen needs some help in her classroom. Travel Girl to the rescue! (I feel like I should have a cape...or at least some cool boots!)
Yesterday Preschool Queen and I went to the semi-annual sale of our favorite jewelry line. Ya just can't ask for anything more than really discounted sales!!! I mean necklaces that sell in retail stores for anywhere from $30 to $60 on sale for...get ready for it...$4. Yes, I said $4. Now it's understandable that I have a bazillion necklaces, no? And then after that, we picked up Captain Contrary (who was at his MOST contrary...) and went to see PIRATES! Was it as good as the first? Nope. But it was good. Really, any excuse to sit and watch Orlando Bloom for 2 hours and 47 minutes is just fine with me. It was I think the most violent of the three, actually surprised me how violent it was considering it is a Disney movie. Certainly earned it's PG-13 rating. Don't know if I would have let my 7 year old watch it; but he's not mine and it's not my decision.
Did I mention that I've fallen now twice in the last 4 days? Yep, Mom should have named my Gracie. The first time was Thursday evening as I was trying to go to work. I had such a cute outfit on, too. I was walking down the hill, instead of taking the stairs, to the street, slipped and fell. Just scraped up my hand and bruised my wrist; but because it's Main St, tons of people saw. How embarrassing! And of course I had to go back inside to change the now completely grass stained skirt... And then I did it again on Saturday when I was with Preschool Queen and family. We went to get ice cream after Captain Contrary's baseball game, and I fell down the stairs in the shop. As I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs assessing the damage, Captain Contrary looked over at me and said, "Auntie TG why are you down there?" I just couldn't resist and told him that it just seemed like a good idea. Big bruise this time! Such a klutz! I guess that's life, though.
Enjoy Memorial Day, and take a few minutes and thank a veteran! It's because of their sacrifice that we have all the freedoms that we do. They deserve our thanks and so much more!!!


Marshmallow26 said...

wow TG, how could they find the blog? You haven't mentioned your name!! Gee :~

travel girl said...

I have no idea. No one has been able to come up with a viable way to explain this to me. Will was surprised, Lead Momma was shocked, Preschool Queen didn't get it either. I wonder if it's because I mentioned the name of the school, if they have some sort of search function for the name? Freaky, no?