07 October 2006

The Saga Continues

I had breakfast with BFAW this morning after work. We had a lot to talk about and both knew that we couldn't talk about it at work. Our 15 minute break that we take for a walk is not nearly long enough to have any sort of serious discussion.
We both said that even though there are feelings there, nothing can happen because he's married.
And get this, he told his wife! He told her that he had feelings for me. I can't believe that he would tell her about this. I was really stunned when he made that announcement. She must be the most understanding woman on the planet. According to him, she was only a little jealous. And I guess what bugged her most is that he and I are such good friends and he feels this way about me. She believes that's how you fall in love, which I guess is true. I just hope that whatever problems the two of them are having, they can work through. So, I get to keep my friend, although now I never want to meet her. I don't think I could, how could she not hate me? And why would she ever want to meet me?
Enough of that, the feelings that I have will pass, I have no doubt. And in a strange way, it's such an ego boost to know he feels that way.
So, it's the weekend, finally. Not that I worked as much as usual this week. I just had no desire to work any overtime. I guess next week it'll be time to get back into the habit of longer days. I think that this weekend I'll start planning what I want to do in London. I don't want to get there and waste time trying to decide what to do each day, and I want to plan which days I'll leave the city and take day trips. I still can't believe that I'm actually going. And sometimes I get pretty scared about it. Sometimes I wonder what I can possibly be thinking, a foreign country, alone??? Have I lost my mind? I just know that I have to do this on my own. I need to prove that I can be independent, to myself if no one else.


Marie said...

Holy moly.......there's a breakthrough moment!!!!! WOW!!!!!! Give a call if you want!.....

Marshmallow26 said...

Hello Travel Girl,

Thanks for visiting my blog, I appreciate your panygeric about my English writing, although some people don't like it...:P

I was reading your posts one by one, and you know what had jumpped in my mind? the movie that called: good girl, for Jennifer Aniston, she works in a store and she falls in love with the shy guy who works with her...but she is married already. At the end she finds out that this shy guy is a psychopath and a murder...I hope none of these happening to you...Hey I am not trying to scare you...and I really wish you the best.

About the married person( your best friend) since he is married he should commit to his wife and not loving any other woman, because on his wedding day I am sure he oathed to stay true to her...

When a man or woman wants to get married, he/she should be true and loyal to the partner, and establish their marriage on strong basis and avoid any secondary relationship appears sporadicly and then disapears...

I hope I didn't bother you with my words...

Will see ya around.

travel girl said...

Hey Marshmallow26
Glad you visited. You didn't bother me at all with your comments. In fact, that's how I feel as well, marriage is forever. He and I both realize that, and nothing will come of it. I'm actually glad he told his wife, because now they can start working on their relationship.
And your comment about the Jennifer Aniston movie made me laugh out loud. Luckily where I work we go through a pretty intense background check which hopefully weeds out any psychopathic individuals.
Hope you are wonderful!
Travel girl

Marshmallow26 said...


I am glad that you think wisely dear.


travel girl said...

White Rose,
Sometimes I suck at the emotional stuff, too. Most of my travel plans have been made, plane tickets paid for, hotel reservations made. Now it's just planning what I want to see and do while I'm there. Have you been there? Any suggestions?