08 October 2006

Autumn in New England

Autumn has come to northern New England. We've had 3 killing frosts in a row this week (it's been below 32 F). I love this time of year, there is no place I've been that looks quite like this. It even has a smell all of its own that I can't explain. The mountains look like they are on fire with the leaves changing color. This summer was quite rainy, which has lead to even more beautiful colors. I took a ride this morning over one of the nearby mountains, and was just stunned by the colors--peak season has already occurred there, not quite that time yet here where I live. It's a gorgeous sunny day here, and I'm so glad I was able to get out and enjoy it instead of having to go to bed. (working nights has it's downside) And it almost didn't look real, the colors were so vibrant. And I realize that it's a scientific reaction to the weather that causes it, but to me, it's how I know that there is a higher power out there, regardless of what your faith is. To me, nature is my evidence of God. (I think I'm doing a poor job of explaining this, and I know I'm not doing justice to the foliage either) This time of year here is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lives.
It also makes me a little sad. The ex and I used to love this time of year more than any other, and we always used to go for long drives to different parts of the state to see the colors change. It's funny how little things remind me of him at random times.
My favorite line of jewelry is usually way too expensive for me to afford, but twice a year they have a factory clearance sale, Memorial Day and Columbus Day weekends, so my dear friend, Preschool Queen, and I got in the car and went to shop!!! This year I got more earrings than I have in the past, because I don't wear them nearly enough. And more blue than normal as well. Anyway, it's always fun when Preschool Queen and I get together.
This afternoon I think I'm going to start planning my itinerary for London (yes I like to have things planned out). Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas of what to see and what to skip? I can't believe the trip is less than 2 months away! A lot of people have asked why I didn't go this summer. There were a variety of reasons: I didn't have enough leave accumulated at work; the cost; I hadn't really had the idea yet; and most of all I wanted to go as a birthday present for myself, so I'm going after my 29th...


Marshmallow26 said...

Hello dear Travel Girl,

That was a nice post. and Happy birthday in advance!

For me: I haven't been to London but I heard that Wax museum in London is wonderful, why don't you try to visit?


travel girl said...

Glad you liked it. After I was finished writing, I wasn't sure if I was getting my point across. Thanks for the B-day wishes...
The wax museum is on my list of possible spots to hit, my understanding is that while it's pretty cool, it's also VERY expensive...How's the studying going?