04 October 2006

An Introduction

This is my first attempt at blogging, not sure how it will go, but everything's an adventure, right? I've recently found myself single after being in a relationship for over 6 years. There was really no bad guy, I just grew tired of waiting for the next step to happen; and needed to do what was best for me.
After moving into a new apartment I decided that I needed to do something to prove I could be independent again. (As if moving to an new town wasn't enough) I have chosen to do some travelling this winter. I'm headed to London for a 10 day vacation on my own. I've never been overseas, and thought it would be a grand adventure. After I decided to go, and started to tell people about it, I've gotten the same reaction over and over. Everyone looks at me and says "who are you going with?" When I say, "No one." The next question is always, "Do you know anyone there?" Again, I say no and everyone has said "Wow, that's really brave."
When I planned this trip, I didn't think of it as something brave, but now I'm starting to wonder; am I crazy to go to a foreign city alone?
I'm so excited about this, there are so many places I want to go and things I want to see; and everyone has advice. I just hope that the trip lives up to my expectations.

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