11 November 2006

My Unexpected Morning

First, Blogger "invited" me to switch to the new and improved version. I think it'll be pretty okay...I guess we'll see, right? Only time will tell, I guess.
As I write this, I'm listening to a set of mix Cd's that Will burned for me. Often I forget that everyone doesn't listen to the music that I listen to, so I find it really interesting to listen to what other people are enjoying at the moment. I think it can be a great insight into that person. So much of the music on these 2 Cd's is, well, melancholy, which is just the opposite of what I've been listening to as of late. But there is still a lot of great music on here as well.
I'm not sure how things are going with TSO as of late. I feel like something has changed, and not necessarily for the better. I can't put my finger on what it is, I'm not sure if it's me or him, but there is something different. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he told me my cat is near death (WHICH SHE'S NOT, okay so she's 12, but cats live for a really long time). He's never made me angry before, but that just about did it. I don't think I'll waste a ton of time on wondering about it this weekend because quite frankly, my head hurts way too much for me to care at this point. My headaches have gotten out of control as of late. NOTHING is working on them, not Advil, Tylenol or even Excedrin, which is really frustrating. And working in front of a computer screen all night at work doesn't help (I suppose the extra time I spend on my computer at home doesn't help either). Lately I've been in tears on my way home from work because of the pain. Earlier this week I started to try to figure out what may be causing them. I realized a few days ago as I was sitting on the couch (probably 2 hours after I left work) that I didn't have a headache. Then I started noticing how I was behaving at work(ie sitting at the edge of my seat, leaning forward, and still straining to see) now I've worn glasses forever, but I thought it may be time to see the eye doctor again. So I stopped in there this am(I love having an eye doctor in the mall with hours 7 days a week) and they had just had a cancellation, so I was able to see my doctor immediately (I think God was looking out for me today). And she had what I consider to be really crappy news for me. I can't believe I'm actually admitting this here, but she told me that I need tri-focals. I was horrified when she said it, and almost burst into tears. My mouth fell open and I said 'how can that be possible, I'm only 28!!!!!' According to her, age doesn't matter, it has everything to do with the fact that I sit in front of that computer screen for hours at a time. So I had to buy new glasses, I should have them in about a week, two at the most. I just hope the headaches go away once I get them. At least they are progressive lenses, so unless I tell people it will be impossible for them to tell that I have tri-focals. I realize that it's incredibly vain to feel this way, but it's certainly something that I don't want everyone to know. (I so hope that Will doesn't laugh when he learns this...because I'm sure he'll read this before I see him. I actually thought about not writing this for that reason, and then I realized that I'd tell him anyway. This way I won't know if he laughs)
However, while I was paying for the new glasses, I started thinking about how incredibly lucky I am right now. I'm at a place in my life where an unexpected expense such as this is not the end of the world. It's not the first time I've had that thought either. I realize that I'm incredibly blessed because there are so many people who need things such as glasses who can't afford them. This is that time of the year when I start to think about all the things that I'm thankful for. The holidays always bring that out in me, and I'm sure I'll blog more about those various things during this season.
Oh, only 2 1/2 weeks until the London Adventure begins!!!


Marie said...

Tri-focals just means you're triple good is all! :)

2 1/2 weeks -- that's AWESOME!!!!

You always know how to hit the nail on the head with being able to remember the big picture!

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about your trifocal history I am 27 and was told I need "BIFOCALS" I was not ready for this at my age. Are trifocals on the horizon for me as well?

travel girl said...

Here's the thing, I work in front of a computer for 8 to 10 hours a day, and have a very strong prescription for distance. This last time I went to the eye doctor, she said that the distance prescription is too strong for close up things like reading and for medium distance things like computer work. So there come in the tri-focals. The top is for distance, the middle for the computer work, and the bottom for any close up work, like reading or any other activity like that, for example threading a needle etc. And it really did take me a few weeks to get used to them, but they are great, and I certainly wouldn't go back to anything else. The best part is no more headaches. And if you get the progressive lenses, which I have, no one will ever know that you have them unless you tell them. So go ahead and get them. Hope this has helped! Let me know if I can help further!