08 April 2007

Easter Sunday

Alright, it's Easter Sunday. Is it really too much to ask for nice spring weather? I mean seriously. It's been colder this week than it was Christmas week. What's up with that? It was RAINING at Christmas time; and this week; SNOW. Certainly spring weather is not too much to ask for. I walked over to visit some friends today; and realized that I was woefully under dressed in my fleece jacket. By the time I reached their house (it's about an 5 to 7 minute walk) I was wishing I had a winter coat, hat and gloves. Thank goodness wine does such a good job warming you up!
I have to say, I really have been feeling better about life in general. It's easier to laugh and smile; and above all else get out and do things. I guess I feel like things are going to be okay. I have also decided to follow in the footsteps of my dearest friend, Lead Momma, so I'm trying the whole online dating thing. Who knows. It's possible to meet someone wonderful that way. So, we'll see what happens. I have been emailing with one guy who seems pretty nice. At least so far, he doesn't seem to be an ax murderer; but then again, it's not like he would be advertising that. I think we're meeting this week. Think good thoughts for me!

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