31 December 2006

Sarcasm doesn't translate well in print

It's New Year's Eve...yippee. (Unfortunately, sarcasm is so hard to convey in writing, but if I were speaking, that would have been my sarcastic voice) Preschool Queen and Homer are having their annual New Year's Eve party in a few hours, and I can't even get excited enough to want to go. Hopefully I'll feel differently once I'm there. Sometimes I really just get stuck in my own head and tend to be a homebody... and that's how I'm feeling tonight.
I'm very excited that Marsh has offered to help me with my Arabic. I'm sure as soon as I get the program I'll be taking her up on the offer...Thank you Marsh (I hope you don't regret making the offer...)
Sitting here watching football right now. I slept through the Patriots game, but they won. The game didn't really matter because they clinched their playoff berth last week, but it's always nice when they win. Will can't understand why I love watching them so much. He says they are a boring team to watch. I have to agree. The wins are never pretty, but they win when it matters. It seems like that's what they are good at, and yes, some of the games can be pretty boring, but they're my team...So since I missed that game, I'm watching the Falcons play the Eagles. I can't wait for the playoffs to start--it's my favorite part of the season. I can't believe I've just been babbling about football, I think that's the first time I've rambled about sports. And yes, it is my idea of a perfect Sunday, sitting on the couch watching football all afternoon. I'll watch alone, but it really is something that I love doing with someone else. It's what I've done on Sunday for as long as I can remember, when I was little, I used to fall asleep on the couch with my Dad when he was watching.
Well, I should get motivated and put together the Artichoke Dip that I'm bringing and make sure the champagne is cold enough and get moving. Hope every one's New Years is wonderful. Be safe and sensible as well.

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