21 January 2007

Football Playoffs and the Weather

Will, in his delusion, has yet again bet against the Patriots. The game is later today. Hopefully it'll be a good game. I'm sure that they will win. The loser buys breakfast next weekend. We've both been talking trash about this game all week. Someday maybe he'll learn not to bet against them in the post-season! Really, this is the best way to spend a weekend, relaxing on the sofa watching football.
Since I've been complaining about the weather lately, it's now finally winter. There's snow on the ground; although certainly not as much snow as the residents of Colorado have gotten. And we have some ice; again not as much as Missouri received. But it has been cold and windy. Will and I walk each night at work, at 1:30 and then again close to 4; we usually go outside regardless of the weather. More or less just to get fresh air, but also to be able to talk without being overheard. And last week there was actually one night we didn't go outside because it was so cold and windy. I've come to realize that no matter what the weather is, I may not be happy with it. And I think that's alright. The bitter cold of the winter makes me appreciate the heat of the summer. And the mind-numbing humidity makes me happy when there's finally a cool crisp edge to the air in the fall. And the unrelenting mud makes me really happy when the ground is frozen solid. For me, all of this combined is the beauty of Northern New England.

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