02 March 2008

Vacation Day 8

Today was fun. Preschool Queen and I had lunch and went shopping like we usually do on Sundays. It was fun. The waiter who flirts with me was at Applebee's and so that's always an ego boost. Got some beautiful new clothes (again) at Express. Love that store! Of course, now it's time to be quiet with the money...
Just got off Skype with Lead Momma and PQ! So proud of her for trying the IM thing! Way to go PQ! Homer says that this is going to be the beginning of her downward spiral...(lol) Anyway, I was skyping with the two of them, eating dinner, watching HP and emailing a friend from class. Phew! Talk about multitasking! Of course now, I'll never get anything done with the two of them online, too...
So, tomorrow is pretty much it for my vacation. Last day. I have just a few things to do, but otherwise it'll just be a quiet day around the house. Laundry and that's about it. Oh, homework of course... such fun that is!

1 comment:

Marie said...

Look at you adding all the cool widgets on your side bar. Neat-o!
Glad you had some relaxing time!