21 January 2008

My Favorite Medium

I was asked last night what medium really gets me thinking. And once I figured out what was being asked, I knew the answer immediately. It's the written word. Books. And then I was asked to list my favorites. There is of course the love of Harry Potter; but there are so many other books out there that I love...

The Sound and the Fury
Death Be Not Proud
To Kill a Mockingbird
All Quiet on the Western Front

are just a few of my favorites. Yes, I do consider some of these classics as my favorites. And I have to say, it's only because of the amazing teachers that I've had in my life. They made these books come alive for me. So, yes, it's the written word. Because of the schedule I have, it tends to be the easiest way for me to communicate with those in my life.

My to-be-read pile includes Guests of the Ayatollah, Ghost Wars, Londonistan, A Question of Torture, And If I Perish...not exactly light reading. I do have a few books that are simply mindless, but there just seems to be so many important things that need reading...and so little time!

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