30 January 2008

Class is a bit Frustrating

So, here are a few things I'm frustrated about in my class. The lack of participation. I mean really, it's just not fair that during these weeks of group work that two of us have to do everything (instead of having help from the other three.) My group sucks. It may as well just be the two of us. And then... these are supposed to be fun. Yes, they are a learning experience, but it should be fun at the same time. No one is letting loose and having fun with this. Come on... I mean my friend, who is one of the judges this time around, wrote a post critical of the prosecution. And while that didn't thrill me, it was his opinion. And the lead judge had the professor remove it to maintain impartiality. WTF? Isn't he allowed to have an opinion? Grrr... oh and this was after the lead judge left a comment from another member of their group that said, and I quote: "the civilians killed, were they harmed?" (yep, re-read that one more time... I'll wait.) To that I desperately want to answer, "nope, other than that pesky death thing, they are just fine." Good Heavens! Anyway, final briefs are due at midnight... hopefully things will go well for us!

1 comment:

Marie said...


It takes all kinds I suppose. You'll get through the special time with litl'ms.smartypants.