23 June 2007

Week Wrap-up

Ahh, let's see, Week in Review, yes?
My interview was Thursday afternoon, and I think it went really well. It's so hard to tell with these things. Interviewers are so non-committal, aren't they? One of the biggest things for me was Will wishing me success. It meant a ton, far more than I think he knew. And he gave me really good advice as well, it's okay to be nervous, just don't let them see it. I think I was successful there. So, now it's the waiting. They have made their recommendations and because I work for the government, it's not as easy as just hiring at that point. The list has to go to several different offices to be approved before they can announce who has been hired, so that will take about 4-6 weeks. Like I said, now's the waiting...

Friday I worked during the day as a mentor. When we hire, the class is 5 weeks long and then there are two weeks where the new people work on the floor but are monitored by an experienced employee before working independently. Yesterday that's what I did. It's a small class, only 4 people, but I truly had my hands full. My honest opinion, there is at least one who just isn't going to cut it. But they have potential. The day was a lot of fun, and Cali Boy was there for overtime, which was a pleasant surprise. He sits right in the middle of the mentoring area so he and I had 5 hours to chat. How very cool is that? And he started asking me some work related questions as well. I so enjoy passing on the knowledge I've gained over the last 4 1/2 years. And he was truly invested in the conversation. It was a really good day, for sure.

Anyway, I'm off in just a bit to house sit for Preschool Queen and Homer. They are on their way for a week of camping on the coast of Maine (better them than me!) but they couldn't take the crazy dog, so that's my job! Wish me luck!

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