11 June 2007

7 Things

I've been tagged by Marsh...
I'm supposed to create a list of 7 random facts about myself...Here goes!

1. I HATE being hot. Yes, it's hot in here right now. Kind of makes you wonder why I want to move south so badly, doesn't it?

2. Thunderstorms terrify me. It's not the lightening that can kill ya, it the noise of the thunder that scares me. Can't stand it. They make me want to curl up and hide wherever I am. And yes, I have to fight the urge to hide under my desk at work when there's a storm.

3. My favorite book ever, of all time, is The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. So, how many of you are shocked that this isn't a Harry Potter book? When I was younger I read my copy so many times that it literally fell apart. I still have those pieces, though.

4. I love 80's music. I can't help it, the hair bands of the late 80's were just too much fun! Even now if I hear it on XM, I'll crank it up and sing along. Oh yeah, I sing just about everywhere and rarely realize I'm doing it, in the car, in the shower, in the store, at work...you get the picture.

5. Speaking of Harry Potter (see 4), I can't fall asleep without listening to at least l CD from one of the HP audio books. It's relaxing, Jim Dale has such a fantastic reading voice. I even have one of the books on my mp3 player so I can listen when I'm away from home.

6. I was painfully shy as a child. (okay, stop laughing all of you who know me...) Seriously, I was the little girl who was hiding (and probably crying) with my face buried in my mother's skirts. My parents were worried that I would always be that way...I guess they don't have to worry anymore.

7. I sincerely hope to travel to the Middle East some day, maybe when it's safer than now. I want to see the birthplace of civilization, the ruins in Jordan, the ruins of Ancient Egypt, Jerusalem...

Okay, so there's my 7, Lead Momma it's all you...tag, your turn!

So, in completely unrelated to anything statements, the town I live in won the baseball State championships today. So just a little while ago, the bus bringing them home was escorted through town by not one but two of the fire trucks with all their sirens wailing. This is one of the things I love about small towns. The sense of community, and pride in the high school team. So, congratulations, boys!!

1 comment:

Marshmallow26 said...

Sounds interesting :)