17 June 2007

The Party Yesterday

Yesterday was the vow renewal for Preschool Queen and Homer. I had a really awesome dress for the day, and really felt and looked great (if I do say so myself...) Honestly, I know this because I had many people walk up to me and tell me so. Can I tell you what an ego boost it was? The ex's on again off again currently on again girlfriend didn't impress me. Now, I could be catty and nasty and go into detail, but I won't. I just wish him happiness, and I really don't think this is it.

And the party was wonderful. Lots of good food and champagne and lots of laughs. And it was such a wonderful thing to celebrate. 10 years of a happy marriage. It's a true feat. I truly hope that someday I'm able to find what the two of them have found. They bring out the best in each other. When he looks at her, you can see the love in his eyes. She's the only woman in the room when he looks at her. Being able to find that person who loves you just as you are is a precious thing. They have that. Someday I hope to find it.

I also learned this morning that I created a teachable moment for Captain Contrary. I only live a little over a mile from Preschool Queen and Homer. I did drink a lot of champagne at this party. I left my keys and my car at their house and walked home. When he woke up in the morning, he saw my car in the driveway still and couldn't understand why I didn't take it home. He asked Preschool Queen about it, and she responded with a question of her own. She asked him if he remembered talking about not driving after drinking. He said he did and she said that I knew that too, and so walked home and would be back later in the morning to get my car. It's nice to be a good example.

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