19 June 2007

Things are Good

So, here's what I realized last night at work. Things are good. Things are really good, actually.

I had a really great time this weekend, even though I was there alone. I was finally comfortable in my aloneness again. Preschool Queen keeps telling me that I should really enjoy this time in my life because before I know it, it will be gone.

My friendship with Will seems to be back on track. I hadn't really realized how much chaos it had been throwing into other parts of my life until now. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've really missed him, and am so very glad that things are continuing to improve.

I've got a lot of confidence going into this interview. I have people around me who truly believe that I'll get it. (I don't know what to believe, but certainly don't want to get my hopes up too much.) The more I go over potential questions, the more comfortable I'll feel on Thursday afternoon. Lead Momma has been an incredible help with this. Will was surprised that I really want this position, and rightly guessed that the whole process has gotten my competitive hackles up; but beyond that, I really actually want the job. (Am I crazy?)

Preschool Queen and I were shopping for a new outfit for the interview, and we really did find just the perfect thing. Anyway, we were at Macy's and we were walking past the jewelry counter, but really, who can actually walk PAST the counter without stopping? Anyway, there was this beautiful set of freshwater pearls. It was seven strands together, and the sales guy heard me talking about them and told me I had to try them on. So, of course I did. He was complimenting me etc, but like I said, he's a sales guy, so I wasn't listening. Preschool Queen said he was flirting, not trying to sell the necklace. (like I said, didn't notice.)

I did however notice the very cute new security guard at work flirting with me when I walked in tonight. Such an ego boost for sure!

But as I was saying, things really seem pretty good. I really don't think about the PCOS much. It wouldn't really do much good anyway. And my aloneness (did I just create a new word, how do I contact Webster's to find out? would I get credit for it?) is okay. I really do have the freedom to do anything I want right now. Does that mean I'm not interested in a relationship at this point? No, of course not. I think I'd happily date the right man at this point. I'd like nothing more than to have someone to snuggle on the couch with and watch a movie. Alone has it's benefits for sure, but a significant drawback would of course be the loneliness. And I do feel that way sometimes.

They say that human beings need to be touched. We thrive on it. The touch of another person does wonders for our moods and our well being. When you live alone, and aren't in a relationship, the human touches are few and far between. That's hard. It's really something that people in relationships take for granted. One of the things I miss the most is feeling someones hands in my hair or on the back of my neck.


Marshmallow26 said...

"One of the things I miss the most is feeling someones hands in my hair or on the back of my neck"

That must be some thing very nice :)

Marie said...

We are going to start to call you London Bound Travel Budha before long (because you are so calm my dear! )