29 October 2007

Working OT

Back on thirds!
Actually pretty psyched about it. It's been fun so far. I decided to work thru my weekend, just to get used to sleeping during the day again, so I'm probably going into work in just a little while. I'm actually finding that I have more time to do my homework lately (okay so today) which is probably a good thing.
The weather has changed, for sure. It's cold now! I think it's maybe 40 degrees outside right now and is just supposed to get colder the later it gets. I love this time of year!
I think the only thing I'm bummed out about right now is the lack of time I have for hanging out at Starbuck's. Maybe tomorrow if I get up early enough, I'll head over there to do some studying before going into work.
OH! My exciting news...I just ordered a laptop! I'm making the big switch to Apple. So, we'll see how I like it. My understanding is that just about everyone who has switched loves it. A friend of mine convinced me that this was really the way to go. It was funny, when I started asking about the Macbook, it was like the decision was made for me. And he started talking about 'when you have your Apple...' He absolutely cracks me up. But anyway, I did order one, and I should have it by Halloween. (think of it as trick-or-treating for grown-ups) I'm sure I'll have tons of opinions on it, and will of course talk about them here...
Alright, I should probably call to see if there is overtime and then get myself to work!

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