13 October 2007

Random new photos

Okay, I realize this one needs quite a bit of explanation. I came home rather late last night. I went out after work, so it was close to 10:30 or so. I guess Sophie had been playing with one of her little stuffed mice at some point during the day. (She's pretty entertaining to watch with these little guys, she'll throw it up in the air and bat it around for hours.) This one apparently needed to be drowned. So, she put it in her water bowl... And that's where I found it when I was feeding her dinner (yes it was HOURS late...)

Yes, this is my cat sitting in the bathroom. Sometimes she's pretty random. When I came home and saw her here, I just had to snap some photos...

So this is why I haven't been posting much as of late. As you can see, my life is pretty much my text books and my homework! It's been keeping me very busy, but I'm enjoying it...even though the subject matter is pretty dry...
So, this morning, I woke up rather early and decided to do some homework and then go for a long walk. It was great! The weather is just like I like it...chilly. Really needed the long sleeves and fleece vest. I need to bring my camera tomorrow and take some photos of the trees changing colors. It's been beautiful lately. And as I look out the window, it looks like this morning was a good time to go out. It was sunny then...it's gotten very cloudy and grey since! Oh well...gotta love this season!


Little Penguin said...

the cat's eyes are gorgeous.. and the books seem too text-based.. where all the pictures?

travel girl said...

I keep hoping for photos, too...:(
I'll let Sophie know you think so!

Marie said...

What I love is that she sits on the toilet w/the top down -- maybe you can train her....top up peeing....?