06 July 2007

Master's Bound...

I GOT IN!!!!!

It's funny how life works sometimes. As I was sitting here feeling really rotten about a variety of things and getting frustrated with just about everything, I decided in my randomness to take out the trash. (yes, the completely unglamorous side of living alone...) So while I was down there, I grabbed the mail.

Crammed into my mailbox was a big envelope from the University. I knew then that if it had been a letter turning down my application, it would have just been a legal sized envelope. I ran back upstairs and was already crying when I read the first line of the letter that said 'Congratulations.' And then I couldn't stop crying.

So, in just two short years, I'll have my degree and will be done with my thesis! I'm so very excited!


Little Penguin said...

My warmest and deepest congratulations!! :)

You deserve the best TG.. you really do.. what's the course, though? and which uni is it?

I wish I'll be saying the same in 6 weeks time.. aaahhh..


Marshmallow26 said...

Congratulations TG, you deserve it.