27 April 2007

Other People's Opinions

So, lately I've been learning what people actually think of me...
A supervisor at work thinks I'm difficult
Preschool Queen has taken to calling me a hedgehog, you know cute face, but prickly on the outside.
Will calls me the Queen of Snark
And I've started thinking, wow, if this is how people who actually like me and are supposed to care about me feel...yikes. And as I've previously stated, I do really care what people think about me. I've started to feel a little touchy about it.

Then...I get an email from Lead Momma, where she's telling someone else about me. Here's what she said:

I met TG nearly 10 years ago (holy cow!) when we were in college
to become teachers -- we became fast friends. She lived in the Charlotte,
NC area for a year and was a classroom teacher. Now she works for
Homeland Security (if I say too much she may just have to kill me) in
Vermont. She loves to travel, read, be creative and stay up on current
events. She wicked funny and loves to laugh.

Lead Momma, you rock! Thank you for saying such nice things about me, and thanks for the intro!!! :)

1 comment:

Marshmallow26 said...

Hello TG,

First: congratulation on your new blog template, it is bright and cool...

Second: Yes, you deserve the compliment, from your friend's lines I could tell how much you mean to her!

Thanks for being that type of precious person:)