29 March 2007

Rough Seas

Sailing has not been so smooth since the last time I wrote. The original agreement between myself and the two other women I'm on this trip with, was that if anyone wanted to do something that the others didn't, she should feel free to do so. That there was no need for us to be joined at the hip. Well, that's not the way one of the women feels. She seems to think that we all have to be together all the time!
For example, yesterday, I was exhausted. It was probably 11:00 and all I wanted to do was go back to the room. One of the ladies felt the same way, and so while the third one was in the casino, we decided to go back to the room. There was a party on one of the upper decks that started at 11:30pm, and she wanted all of us to go, and was pissed when we said no. Whatever, I was tired and wasn't interested in the argument at all.
And today, we were in Grand Cayman. It was beautiful. It was sunny and HOT. We did the island tour, which was really cool. I got to hold a sea turtle. The pictures are really great... can't wait to share them!! But it was hot, did I mention that. Heat like that is one of my migraine triggers. I can't help it, that's just how it is. So unfortunately, I was getting one. We had lunch, and one of the ladies noticed that I wasn't feeling well, and suggested we just skip the beach, stop in just one store and then head back to the ship. When the other woman heard that we didn't want to go to the beach, she got pissed again instead of just going to the beach herself. She was pouting, and refused to speak to us, and when she did, it was snippy and snarky.
And all of my friends who really know my personality would be proud to know that I didn't snip or snark back, I just ignored it. But seriously...What the hell am I supposed to do about this?

1 comment:

Marie said...

You encourage the other person in your party to stick with poopy pants & you go do your own thing -- she may be feeling like a third wheel, so if you encourage the 2 to stick together then it might ease tensions. Now if #2 wants to skip X, Y or Z then she can face PP herself, and perhaps PP will feel better or ok about it. In Mexico it will be hot (!!) so maybe talking about it ahead of time might be helpful: if I go back to the room, you don't have to come with -- seriously don't worry about me, I would rather you all have fun & tell me all about it. Maybe agree one day that everyone does their own thing -- all on your own, so that no one feels like they're being left out. A little space might go along way. Good luck -- enjoy these last couple days! Everyone needs some good solo deck/hot tub/pool time is my guess! :)