21 February 2007

Sidewalk plows are my salvation

Hey! Okay, so it's been a while since I last wrote. Homer and his brother came over to help me get my car out of the driveway. When he saw the path I had created, he named it my suicide path, saying that if I slipped, I'd end up crushing my head on the road. So, less than 24 hours after I shoveled my suicide path, the town bulldozers and dump trucks came and moved away the snow on the street to return the parking (yeah!!!). Then the sidewalk plow came along and I was thinking how great it would be to get out. (Right, famous last thoughts) Anyway, the sidewalk plow got stuck right in front of my steps and just stopped plowing there. So again, I had a huge pile of snow blocking my way in and out. I think Will can attest to how angry this all made me. One of the ladies I'm cruising with next month said she would have been outside in her nightgown yelling at them. (I almost was, well not in my nightgown, but in my sweats...)
So today they finally got a new sidewalk plow and cleaned the sidewalks. Better late than never, I suppose!!
I can't believe the cruise is so soon! One of the ladies I'm going with is so excited that she has already packed her bags. Me, not so much. I'll pack a few days before the trip. Preschool Queen is sharing a bunch of her new spring clothes with me for the trip. I tried them on last week and they look really cool. The other lady just told us that she's afraid of flying. Great. Maybe she should have thought of that first. Although I was pretty skittish about flying until my trip to London. There's nothing like being trapped on a plane for 8 hours to either make you crazy or make you get over that fear. I'm actually looking forward to it now. And as long as there's no rogue wave, I'll be good. I'm really looking forward to just sitting on the deck or on the beach and just relaxing. No stress, no worries, right?

1 comment:

Marie said...

I have one (ok maybe 2) words for you: RUM & COKE! Eases all traveling worries.
Let the games begin!