28 December 2006

Things are Good

I realize that I haven't posted much recently, no excuse, just an explanation...There is a lot on my plate right now that I would like to write about, but won't and so it sometimes makes posting harder.
Christmas was great, I spent it with Homer and Preschool Queen and of course Captain Contrary. He was so much fun to watch open all his presents. He was just tearing through everything until he got to the book that I wrote of the adventures that Tank and I had while we were in London, when he handed it to me and said 'read it'. So we sat and read the whole thing. He loved it, especially the photo of the guard at the British Museum throwing him out. After we were finished opening presents, we had breakfast, and then I had to head home so I could sleep before work.
Work was actually nice on Monday night. It was so slow that we were all able to enjoy the meal that we had made. It was fun. And of course there were way too many left overs--isn't that always the way?
My parents are currently in Florida for a family wedding. My cousin is getting married on Saturday, and most of the family is there. It should be fun for everyone. I'm still just not into going to weddings yet. I realize it's a family thing, and that I should be there, but I know myself well enough to know that I won't enjoy myself; and let's face it, at a wedding people should be happy.
I really can't believe this year is almost over. I know people say it all the time, but this year has gone by so very quickly. So much has happened, it almost seems impossible that it has only been 12 months. My life is so drastically different than it was just a year ago; but at the same time, it's better as well. I'm truly happy (and I have to say, I never thought I'd feel that way).
Things are good.

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