16 November 2006

On the Eve of 29

I realize that it's been a while. The headaches while waiting for the new glasses were just too much. However, now I have the new glasses (yeah!!!). I'm still not in love with the frames, but everyone at work really likes them (including Will). Probably what I don't love is what they represent to me, but I'll get over it if they work. Walking is kind of weird, with everything being blurry on the bottom, but I'll adjust. And the big news is no headache after work last night!! How awesome is that?
As it gets closer to my birthday, I've been thinking more and more about where I thought I'd be at this point in my life. If you had asked me 10 years ago where I'd be at 29, this is the furthest thing I'd have ever said. I thought for sure I'd be married by now with at least one child, and I certainly never thought I'd be working for the federal government. I thought I'd own a house and some property. And while none of this has happened, I have realized that I have a great life, and I'm truly happy. I'm single, and don't have to answer to anyone, I have a great job, a great new apartment, and the best friends anyone could ask for. I'd be lost without Will, Lead Momma and Preschool Queen. My parents are healthy and happy and enjoying retirement. I have been blessed.
And who would have ever thought, even 8 months ago, that I'd be headed for London in 2 weeks, and then off to the Caribbean in March? My supervisor came to me two nights ago and asked me how things were going, and I had to tell him that things were really good, great even. It's frightening to think that I can't remember being this happy while I was with the ex.
Things with Will are unique right now. My favorite thing about hanging out with him is that I can completely be myself with him, and he likes that person. I feel so good about myself when we're together. How cool, huh? We're going out on Friday before we go into work, and I'm really looking forward to that. The last time we went out we talked for over 2 hours and didn't even realize that that much time had gone by.
I always say that if he were single and we dated that it wouldn't work out in the long run. I guess it bothers him that I say that. He says that he sees us as working out. He asked me why I keep saying that it wouldn't work, and I'm not sure I have an answer for that. Maybe he's right in that I can't see it working out with anyone, rather than just him, I have had rather rotten luck. And I have to say I wish more than anything that we could be together, and that it would work out for the long term. I feel more comfortable with him than I ever have with any other man. Maybe it's because we've known each other for almost 4 years. I don't know...maybe I'll meet the man of my dreams in London? Wouldn't that be wonderful?

So, here's an update moment: does everyone know this but me? I just picked up the British pounds that I ordered from the bank and each denomination is a different size. I totally didn't know that. The things you learn, right?

1 comment:

Marie said...

You are so honest about where you are right now -- thank you for sharing your heart. Who knows is right!! London could be holding on to the MOYD (Man of your dreams) or better yet - the flight over....