10 October 2006

The Little Things

So, sometimes it's the little things in my world that make me happy. I'm not the most technologically savvy girl, but I do my best. (Which usually involves calling someone else to help). I got my modem for Vonage yesterday, and thought I would try to do this one by myself...And...TOTAL SUCCESS!!! Now, I know it's not a big deal to most, but I made it work! (I become more self sufficient and independent daily) So, now there is a local phone number, and my friends here can get off my back! Whoever said you can survive with just a cell phone obviously doesn't have my friends.
Speaking of friends, my best friend, (we'll call her Lead Mama) called me on Saturday evening. I think it was only around 7:30 or so, but I had been sound asleep for over an hour. Yes, I was asleep by 6:30 on a Saturday night. That's what happens when you work on Friday night, and then stay up all day on Saturday to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. So, she called, and we chatted for 20 minutes or so. The thing is, I don't remember much at all other than the fact that I told her I would call her the next day. I woke up on Sunday thinking that the phone call had been a dream, but called her in the afternoon anyway, just to see. She about died laughing. She really has the greatest, most contagious laugh, too. It makes me smile just thinking about it. She also loved the name I created for her. When she was pregnant, she referred to her son as Lead Baby, so the name just seemed to click for me.
And I chatted with TSO last night before my shift started. I was wearing one of the new necklaces that I bought on Sunday. It's pretty cool, I think it's one of my faves, it's brown and turquoise, my new favorite color combo. Anyway, he noticed it right away and commented on how pretty it was and how great it looked on me. I was shocked that he noticed, specifically that he noticed that it was new. He really makes me smile.
Yesterday, I went to Preschool Queen's house to do laundry (no washer/dryer here...) and she and Captain Contrary (her son) were home because of the holiday. Captain Contrary came into the kitchen with his small stuffed cat. Last year when he was in Kindergarten, the classroom teacher had a stuffed animal that would go home with one student per week. On the following Monday, that student would share the adventures that they had with the cat. Captain Contrary loved it so much that Preschool Queen got the same stuffed cat for him, and they had adventures all summer. Now that they are back in school, the cat's adventures have been limited to the basement, or the back yard. So when he brought the cat into the kitchen he was complaining that the cat hadn't been on any fun adventures lately. I asked him if he wanted me to take the cat with me to London, and have adventures there. He was so excited, and couldn't believe that I would actually do that for him, so I told him to give me the cat just before I leave, and that I would take pictures of the cat having adventures around London. I think I'll make a scrapbook out of the pictures and the journaling for him.
Enough rambling of random things...


Little Penguin said...

I quite like the alias names you create for your friends. I wonder what Captain Contrary has that gives him the name? Could it be the fact that he's very unlike his mother? I don't know. It's nice.

Anyways, regarding your visit to London, I would strongly urge you NOT to visit the wax museum due to a) its being very expensive (around $35-$40 per ticket), b) for being damn right dull. It's so uninteresting. It's a children's museum. I would recommend something like The British Museum or The V&A (Victoria & Albert) Museuem, as they regularly play host to some of the world's most exciting exhibitions.

Or, you could just give me a call and I'd be more than happy to show you round the place. :)

Kind Regards,

travel girl said...

Little Penguin,
The British Museum is certainly on the top of my list. Thanks for the advice about the wax museum! Any suggestions for good places to eat?
See the next post for why his name is Captain Contrary. I'm glad you like the alias names. I had a lot of fun making them up!
take care!

Marshmallow26 said...

Little pinguin, do you mean that I am a child because I suggested the wax museum????

Sorry travel Girl...Well I was trying to suggest only, because i have neer been there, you all know better than me :(

travel girl said...

Please don't apologize for your suggestion. Like you, I had always heard that it was worth a visit. Then I started reading travel guides, so I didn't know either.